4:05 AM

Outing With People Who I Forgot to Contact.. opps

26 December 2010: Aunty Maggie and Max suddenly called me 'early in the morning' and i was awake. When I viewed the time of the message received and the missed calls, I realised that it was actually 1pm in the afternoon. Gosh, I overslept AGAIN. Holiday is all about sleep, sleep and sleep for me. When I called back, they were already having lunch at Agnes' shop. Sien. Should be meeting Agnes if I could wake up earlier. So they came to fetch me after their lunch and treat me with Sushi King at the Spring while we supposed to be swimming at Sarawak Club but due to raining.... No choice but the Spring again... Arh... I miss those childhood time with her where she always brought me out, bought me lots of stuffs and so on. Thanks Aunty Maggie and Max to be there with me when you guys know that there's something going on to my family =)

It's happy hour of Sushi King, got 20% discount ^^

Aunty Maggie found out that the green tea + red bean paste dessert looks yummy in the menu so we ordered this. But in fact, it tastes sucky =X
Sashimi oh Sashimi... You've always been my favourite =)

After eating lots of sushi, me and Max decided to watch two movies in a row:

Narnia 3. Prince Caspian was hot. lol

And... Rapunzel... a very funny cartoon. We found out that Rapunzel was nicer than the first show. lol
We were not ready for the shows, so we didn't brought any jacket to keep us warm. And we ended up shivering in the cinema. Furthermore, I was wearing a sleeveless, short dress. This is what I have to pay for my hiao-ness. LOL.

And after that, we went Richmond for our dinner/supper. A tiring but fun day with Max ;) P.S. Don't be jealous, my dear Agnes.. hahaha

8:04 PM

hohoho~ Merry Christmas! =')

25 December 2010: Yup, countdown for Christmas with my secondary school friends. A fun night... Well, at least a night where I can throw away all my problems and countdown for Christmas~ We had our dinner at gasoline, the Spring and went to pub/lounge for some beers.. BEERS~ I have been leaving you for quite some time.. Miss you much.. hehe.. Merry Christmas everybody ^^

Yea~ The rockers (lml o.O lml)

The boys~
Me and Ment Ment~

Me with Hock Hua~

Yew Ling~

Nes Nes~

1 go 1 go~~~

Naughty Nes..

Merry Guinness instead of Merry Christmas~

Fireworks at Basaga~

Yew Ling's Christmas present for us.. sweet =)

Feel like being a sea lion and jump through the circle.. okay, i'm insane ><

Me and Fen under the Spring's Christmas tree =)

Drinks at Gasoline:

From my birthday onwards, I never felt happy even for one single day. But i felt stress-less yesterday night during the countdown. It's probably the beer that makes me calm, or it's probably being with my beloved friends who are always there for me whenever i'm sad. I want to start over my life. A new facebook account for me soon... I will try my best to solve my family problems, not just store myself inside my room whole day without eating or what anymore. I promise, the old Devy will be gone soon, and the new one shall begin =)

3:43 AM

bye bye 'socializing'

23 December 2010: ARGH! Lots of shitty things going on to my life recently.. Even though I created this blog because of not knowing how to share my sad feeling over the death of my friend, I never regretted for creating it... This is the only place where I can really think of what is happening to my life... I could barely remember those sad memories after writing all of 'em out while trying to fix things out. There has been a family crisis which made me really really stress. Yea, every time when i'm having my "emo times", there always been my family problems. I feel shitty, i feel fucking, and sometimes... I do admit that I don't even willing to accept to be in this family.

Why do i titled this post as bye bye socializing? Cause I deleted my facebook account. It's crazy, a person as active as me in fb has actually deleted my account. Facebook is the place where rumours start, it is also a place where I will be exposing to so many painful truths like no other places. The more a person knows, the more the person get hurts. I shall just leave it and live in my own happier life. If not because of one status, I wouldn't be as emo as now. If and only if I didn't saw that status, I really wouldn't know that in fact, my gang hates me so so much and they even felt sia soi for a useless friend like me. Hmm.. Guess the only way for me is to get away from you guys and I shouldn't be disturbing you guys life anymore. I will not appear in you guys facebook or msn ever again, so that I don't have the chance to ruin your lives. I know.... I am not happy at all, that is the reason why I shouldn't affecting you guys moods too. Sorry for being you guys shitty friend for these while. ><

Next, dumping all these damn fucking things behind and ready for the countdown for both Christmas and New Year.. Let's pray that I will have a happier life throughout the year 2011! All that I want is a happy life. I just want to smile.... Like before... Like the old Devy =)

7:23 AM

Mid-term break

17 October 2010: Having my mid semester break for only one week and the rationale of the holiday is actually for us to catch up our syllabus but unfortunately… I didn’t touched even one page of my book until today (Sunday)! And… tomorrow I have to get back to school =( I can foresee my life after this one week break: exams, assignments due date and so on.. All the best to myself and hope that I’ll change my MALAS attitude in order to get good grades… Let’s do a summarise for my short holiday:

I have been vomiting non-stop for the first 4 days of the holiday and even went to hospital for injection on the night where i was having a fever (just put a cartoon to aid with your imagination in order not to disgust you):
My Friday and Saturday were unforgettable... Only one word to describe: ROCK!

Friday night went out with my crazy old friends gang where we eat, drink and stroll for the whole night. Saturday morning I drove to 15th mile to find my grandpa which somehow, I felt proud of myself cause I never drove so far before (lame):

Speed comes before safety if I wanted to reach somewhere far in a shorter period of time, this shouldn't be done by anyone at anywhere and anytime (fear factor)
After that, I chia my grandma for a Sugarbun lunch since she said it's been a long time that she hasn't touched any fried chicken (healthy granny)
During the night, we went to the Commercial Center for our fund raising churches association dinner... The foods don't really fit my appetite but I enjoyed the performances quite a lot especially the guy who was imitating Michael Jackson. MJ is still the rock-est star in my heart, kinda touched watching his classic moon walk.. lolAND... Sunday! zzz.. got class tomorrow morning.. Don't feel like going to bed, don't feel like going to school.. but no choice.. bye~ ><

5:29 PM

Happy Mooncake Festival everyone!!!

22 September 2010: Phew~ gotta use a really short time to post this thing since I have a Macroeconomics exam tomorrow but during this week... I enjoyed as if I don't have anything to worry about.. All those exams, assignments and presentations that are coming soon! However, that's what I like about my college life... College life means nothing to be remembered if there isn't anything for us to worry about and complete one by one right? lol... So me and my friends celebrated this festival for the whole day... It's kinda over I know... But I just can't stop myself from going out.. Gonna study really hard today! Good luck for myself and also those who's heading for macro exam tomorrow =)

During the afternoon, I had my 'extravagance lunch' at Frenz' & Family(Jalan Song) with my college friends (Chea Ying, Yew Yee and Mia) As we all spent quite an amount of money over our lunch, we treat it as our moon-cake festival celebration lunch.. haha

First of all: Happy Mooncake Festival to you guys! My house is having lots of mooncakes as you know...... business people are kepo one.. My parent's business friends gave them.. haha
To show how 'extravagance' our lunch is (joking) - at Frenz' & Family:

Chea Ying's grill fish... Looks nice!
My fish & chips... Didn't expect it to be this HUGE size...

Mia with her spaghetti~
Mia's spaghetti looks nice and taste nice too~
A cha bo who just had her hair cut... lol~
Yew Yee's spghetti! Looks really nice!My cup of Cappucino~ Imma coffee lover~

My big size fish & chips~ ><
At night, we all meet at Yew Ling's house and all following my car to Padungan to search for some cute tanglung's. We also had our supper/dessert at Memories:

Me and Ah Yew ordered Black Forest ice-cream~

Ah Tak's supper.. That's a lot! haha

Ment and Agnes ordered this chocolate crunch~
Spongebob's tanglung at the 4th one! haha.. cute~

5:52 AM

it's time for me to keep quiet~

Went to Damai with my crazy gang last weekend... Thought it would be a fun and unforgettable trip for all of us.. Unfortunately, I guess it's only for them but not me =( I do have fun with them... Drinking beers, chatting, laying down at the beach and enjoying the beautiful night sky glittering with stars~ But I really don't know why I felt unhappy behind all my laughter... Something stucked and kept inside my heart for a long time but I still don't know how to express it though I was drunk... But I can't say much here... Cause I don't want to have any misunderstandings with my friends, either college friends or whoever.. I'm just purely unhappy but can't talk to anyone.. However, everything will be okay soon.. I always believe! =)

2:14 AM

Slimming Sanctuary~

02 August 2010: My college is re-opening for about 2 weeks already but I'm still living in my own holiday hallucination... I always been super blur + often day dreaming recently which is not my STYLE at all (I should at least make people sense that I'm threatening! jk)... Once going through so many stupid things, I really hope that I can walk out from my 2 months wonderful holiday dream soon! This Thursday(the date of posting) - me, Sam and Elayne went to Slimming Santuary for our appointments made earlier on but unfortunately this 'laku' centre just always have full appointment! So they only can make it for us yesterday... I can see that the facial result was awesome from their fairer, smoother and smaller pores' skin but the slimming session was... quite sucky, I would say~ The good news from the fat analysis that I obtained were: I'm taller 5cm now (woohoo!), my BMI is in average level, upper and lower parts of my body is still normal... BUT...! My tummy was overweight and my muscle is not enough =(

Nothing to do on the first day of schooling.. opps, fugly~

I waited for a long time and feel like sleeping here... It's so comfortable but no other photos were taken since then... Cause we're not allowed to bring in our bags...

My lunch~Conclusion for the post: I will make myself 'conscious' and will not to blurry things anymore(I try)...! and will make an effort to work really hard to get the best result after coming back from my weekend Damai trip! Can't wait for it! =)

10:20 PM


19 August 2010: First time using a Chinese title for my blog update. In case you don't know how to read Chinese or your Chinese is as noob as me, it means teng jumped back. What the hell is that? I don't know cause it just an anonymous translation from Google. ><>I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Yvonne, Xix and Lesley. Cause I couldn't make it for those outings =(

Before we went to K-Box at The Spring, we went to have our lunch. I can't remember the name of this cafe.

Leng lui Sam with her hokkien mee

My hot Neslo and Elayne's green bean soup. Sam said these are guai kia's drinks. Lol

Pineapple fried rice - one of my favourites.

Sexy Elayne with her black pepper rice.

I've learn a method of make up. See my ugly nose became so noticeable under dark light. Lit your nose with some white shiny eyeshadow.
Emo girl singing song~

Bro and Wilfred the boy~

Elayne was so shy. So she didn't manage to sing much songs. Kolian ar. haha
This pic is super dark!

Sam and Elayne~

Ngaiti. I was so hiao. I didn't notice that my dress was so short.
Me again~
The 'haven't ready pose'...
I would like to show you guys two photos taken by my bro, the photographer... I'm so in love with the second picture.. haha