2:29 AM

a fun presentation~

Today, i have another group presentation with mia and tan wee once again... all that i can say is the presentation was the funniest presentation we ever present to other people... i was the first who went up to the front and when teacher asked me where my group members were, i pretended to be blur blur like that... after i prepared all the materials that we needed to use and also the slides, i play 'who let the dogs out' song loudly... Then, mia and tan wee started to catwalk to the front by hugging a dog soft toy... everyone was laughing hard at that time... along the presentation, we also make some actions and jokes to make our classmates laugh so that they would not be feeling bored during the long presentation.. however, parts of them were not paying attention during my presentation parts and i was quite upset.. so, i just briefly read through everything at the back parts.. i believe that no one will present well when there is nobody who listen to his or her speech including me... overall, it was a fun presentation though.. there are some pictures of me and my group members... enjoy... =)

1:18 AM

complicated feeling rushing through my mind~

Think my blog is going to grow spider web soon.. I'm trying to keep it updated but i just can't spend my time for blogging as there were lots of assignments & exams for the past few busy weeks... Today, I promise myself that I MUST update it no matter how.. i miss it too much.. Let me just summarise my feeling & things that were happening for these few days..

I don't know why that i'm started to think about my friend & my aunty just now... I just can't control my mind... maybe i was too boring...? I dreamt of them yesterday night.. weird right? So i thought... a person who leaves this world might not be forgotten after some while like the ending of a movie always does.. Instead, we will miss him or her even more as time passes... However, dream should be separated from the reality & i know bout that... Life just keep going on no matter how...

Today i received a message from Mia... she realised that her laptop has been stolen when she wake up after she was taking an afternoon nap upstairs of her house.. her house has been broke into by a burglary... she sounds sad but i don't know how to comfort her... all that i can say to her is that she is considered as the lucky one as she was not hurted by the DAMN burglary... she just passed her 18th birthday & this is happening to her now..

Today is Sunday right? i didn't even notice about it as everyday is the same day for me... weekends & weekdays make no difference to me... my family members wouldn't spend their time with me on any days.. for them, this world is about work & money... my heart felt pain when i saw all my friends' status stating that 'I have a great time with my family today!', 'Sunday is such a nice day for family', 'I will go out with my mum later'... bla bla bla.. all those are hurting words for me...

Anyways, i should also share some joyful moments of mine to you guys.. below are some pictures of Mia's 18th birthday celebration on last Friday night... we were having steamboat together at BDC... it was a fun night though...