11:17 PM

should I be happy or be sad?

Today is the first day i started to become a blogger... I'm not feeling ok these few days so i figured out how can i express my feeling as I don't usually say out my true feeling to anyone... I thought blogging would be the best way to do so... My friend just passed away last Sunday... I can't sleep well for almost the whole week already... His images fill up my mind whenever i close my eyes... I still remember that there was a misunderstanding between me and you... I thought you were an irresponsible person as you didn't tell us what outfit should we wear while we have a dance performance on the next day but actually i misunderstanded you! I even say something bad to you... I want to apoplogize to you at that time but my ego have prevented me to do so... i don't even have the chance to say sorry to you... Now i want to tell YOU and the whole world that YOU ARE THE BEST DANCER EVER in our heart~! And.... I'm really really sorry for the misunderstanding... I went to your funeral that day... I can't believe that the one who sleep at there without moving is YOU! I prefer you to play and dance in front of us and making all of us laughing at your action.. I don't want you to sleep forever at there... Nobody wants you to be like that! I still cannot believe that you leave us without telling us anything... I guess God loves you more than we love you huh? Then, promise us you will be much more happier beside Him as i know that no matter how much tears i cry for you, you will never wake up and play with us anymore... I can only put the picture above in here as I don't want anyone who see ur photo will feel sad....

I cut my hand accidentally just now... I don't feel any pain... I'm not afraid of the blood... I don't look for a plaster immediatly... Like I always do... How can this little blood and this little pain be compared to your's when you were involve in the car accident? Blood will be NOTHING to me from today on.... I will not be scared of blood anymore...

Today is also the first day i become my parent's driver after i get my license... When my mom says she wants me to be her driver today, I feel very happy though i didn't reply her anything... My parents are always very busy with their work all the time.. almost 24 hours from Sunday to Monday... When she says she wants me to be her driver, i can know that how important am I in her heart that she is willing to spend her time and go out with me by putting her works beside... I always say that I love my grandma more than i love her because she cares about her works more than me and my grandma always beside me when i sick and when i feel down... She cried when i say that to her... Sorry mum, i know that you always care about me... i know you work so hard just to provide me the best environment to study and become a successful person in the future... i will never blame on you from today on instead i will be with you whenever you need me... Daddy, i promise myself that i wil forgive you fully... i know you ever done a big mistake and mum nearly leave you and this family but i'm going to forgive you now... just now you hand me a plaster without saying anything to me... i know you care about me, it's just that you don't know how to say out your love towards me... Now, mummy already forgive you and i will forgive you too... I want to be your driver forever, mum and dad...

Guess im too 'lo so' huh? all i want to say is "when ur parents, ur friends, ur love ones or anyone around u ask u to drive carefully before u drive, they really mean it... dun think that they r talking craps or think that they say that to u just becoz that is their routine responsibility... enjoy... of hearing it everyday while u have the chance to do so!" =)