10:20 PM


19 August 2010: First time using a Chinese title for my blog update. In case you don't know how to read Chinese or your Chinese is as noob as me, it means teng jumped back. What the hell is that? I don't know cause it just an anonymous translation from Google. ><>I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Yvonne, Xix and Lesley. Cause I couldn't make it for those outings =(

Before we went to K-Box at The Spring, we went to have our lunch. I can't remember the name of this cafe.

Leng lui Sam with her hokkien mee

My hot Neslo and Elayne's green bean soup. Sam said these are guai kia's drinks. Lol

Pineapple fried rice - one of my favourites.

Sexy Elayne with her black pepper rice.

I've learn a method of make up. See my ugly nose became so noticeable under dark light. Lit your nose with some white shiny eyeshadow.
Emo girl singing song~

Bro and Wilfred the boy~

Elayne was so shy. So she didn't manage to sing much songs. Kolian ar. haha
This pic is super dark!

Sam and Elayne~

Ngaiti. I was so hiao. I didn't notice that my dress was so short.
Me again~
The 'haven't ready pose'...
I would like to show you guys two photos taken by my bro, the photographer... I'm so in love with the second picture.. haha

9:31 PM

a meaningful saturday

14 August 2010: Imma primary school's art tuition teacher today... Yeah~ Okay, shut up! Cause I know exactly what are you guys thinking of... It's in all probability that you guys are thinking of :"duh~ Devy the ah lian? Confirm she don't even know a piece of art, all that she can draw and colour are pieces of shits" "Devy? That siao cha bo who dislike kids to the max?" Hey Hey Hey... First, I definitely have the sense of art~! Secondly, I like little boys cause they are more energetic and adorable, not like little girls who only know how to draw draw draw like suku kia. I evidenced it today. Trust me. I did this job just to gain experience of how to deal with kids and to develop my motherly love but sadly, there was a lakia who knows how to speak mandarin working there too and he always get the chance to teach those cute little guys while I can only teach those girls. Eric (my tauke) asked me to mark one of the girl's drawing. I gave her 85%. How sweet am I. The bread she drew was... erm... unpleasant... in a good manner of speaking. haha.I didn't took any photos there cause it's still considered a working place though there were only foolish kids and accordingly I shouldn't be "catching snakes". Did I said foolish? NO! I mean... unwise. haha. When I went home, my parents asked me to go to a Japanese restaurant with them and a supplier of their business so I did as an obedient daughter despite the fact that I was really tired...!

We went Rakute for our Japanese dinner~

These 3 little fishes were my daddy's favourite but eww.. They don't taste nice ><

Tempura.. Yum Yum =)
Erm. nothing special actually. Just the usual fried chicken but I love the salad.
This dolly fish is.... ulala! Lip-smacking!
Garlic rice~
I don't know what is this dish called. It tastes kinda okay~
Sashimi! Me and my bro's favourite =DThe conclusion is: tua pui cha bo is rubbing her belly... Satisfaction!

9:26 PM

I introduce you one place to hang out - TRAY

12 August 2010: I doubted is this date my birthday? My phone rang non-stop and many friends were asking me to hang out. First is YT, Sam and her friends asking me to go karaoke, then Yvonne them asked me to go limteh but I rejected all as I was feeling lazy to make up and I don't know why. I just don't have the mood to go out. So i set back those outings to next week. Next week is the last week of my school holiday and I am so going to enjoy my holiday life to the fullest! During the night time, Nat invited me to have a chit-chat night at Tray with Nes them and I went for it as Nat is going to leave Kuching on this Sunday. I should go no matter how lazy I was. They say I changed a lot. I was once a clubbing girl who hanged out at the pubs until 3 something in the morning and now... I already complained that 9.30p.m is a late time to hang out. Maybe i'm in the process of becoming a nerd. All that I do is staying at home when school re-opens. I don't dress like a nerd but i behave like one =( Opps, I digressed.. I never went to Tray before and it's a nice place to hang out at night. We chat until 12 something by not knowing that time flies as gossip makes time passes really fast. haha... The environment is awesome for couples. So i'm going to introduce to you guys now =)

Me and my bro bought a headset for my little bro before we went to Tray. See how loving we are. Sorry for the blur-ness as this picture was taken inside the car.

On the way, we saw the Indians having their don't know which festival. Sorry for the sucky picture quality again as the car was moving and I only used my handphone to capture this~

I reached with my brother and Wilfred first as my bro was the driver fetching both of us. My bro was sad for his small amount of coleslaw ordered while his stomach was pretty empty. Then I said: this is the first time I saw a guy who is hungry ordering a coleslaw. This will only make you feel more hungry, suku... haha!
Wilfred with his huge laptop...
Nat,Nes and Yew were late (i'm calling their short names) and Ment came first. Luckily there was a large group of people leaving cause it's really crowded here. Eee... See this filem hantu's main character.. haha
My innocent son - Ah Yew Yew~ haha
The environment here.. Nice right? Very dark and each table is having a candle or something.
You can write whatever you like on this board. So for those bitches out there who like to know some handsome guys, please leave your mobile phone's numbers here. By the way, my bro's friend is working there, he's hot. hahaAnd these are the pictures I have. The others were inside of Nat's camera which haven't been uploaded. Those delicious foods and special drinks' pictures. Try to hang out with your friends next time at Tray, which is considered a special place at Kuching. Or if you want some sexy girls to be your girlfriend... Confess here.. haha..

4:53 AM

a truly 'special' outing today~

I never commented on any outings on my blog before... Unlike my friend, Prudence who updated every outing she had with her friends on her blog... Which is quite interesting as she can always update her blog for her readers and can always look back all those good memories.. But my blog is like a place mounting tons of spider webs so I decided to update my blog with an exceptional outing with Sam and YT. How to say exceptional? Cause something interesting happened. After working at my mum's office for the whole morning as a sexy 'secretary' (actually is doing nothing helpful to her), YT came and fetch me along with Sam and I suggested that we could possibly going to a newly opened cafe - Five Loaves Cafe for our lunch. And who knows Sam complained about the drink she ordered and get another cup of sky juice which made her equally unsatisfied. She said she wanted to talk to the tauke nio and we thought she was just joking and she really did. At first, it's a normal conversation between a consumer with an old woman and they suddenly quarreled! They're getting more and more angry.. And trust me.. I can barely saw smokes coming out from them.. PHEW~

Sam was like: And.. that tauke nio was like:The conclusion is: I'm really guilty for suggesting that place =( But hey... I like Sam's behaviour... Not like those fakey bitches... Like.. everything is wonderful... Shit is forever shit, they won't becoming GOLD dumdass 'T'... Muahaha (i'm evil... but.. only towards u ==)

As most of my friends know, imma shopaholic.. yeah... So I can buy anything for almost every outing.. Even a small thing will make me happy.. Since no pictures are taken today, this is what I bought at two places today =):

Two bra strips (we 3 are having the same playboy black strip) and an eyelash glue + double-fold eyelid glue from M.A.C)