9:31 PM

a meaningful saturday

14 August 2010: Imma primary school's art tuition teacher today... Yeah~ Okay, shut up! Cause I know exactly what are you guys thinking of... It's in all probability that you guys are thinking of :"duh~ Devy the ah lian? Confirm she don't even know a piece of art, all that she can draw and colour are pieces of shits" "Devy? That siao cha bo who dislike kids to the max?" Hey Hey Hey... First, I definitely have the sense of art~! Secondly, I like little boys cause they are more energetic and adorable, not like little girls who only know how to draw draw draw like suku kia. I evidenced it today. Trust me. I did this job just to gain experience of how to deal with kids and to develop my motherly love but sadly, there was a lakia who knows how to speak mandarin working there too and he always get the chance to teach those cute little guys while I can only teach those girls. Eric (my tauke) asked me to mark one of the girl's drawing. I gave her 85%. How sweet am I. The bread she drew was... erm... unpleasant... in a good manner of speaking. haha.I didn't took any photos there cause it's still considered a working place though there were only foolish kids and accordingly I shouldn't be "catching snakes". Did I said foolish? NO! I mean... unwise. haha. When I went home, my parents asked me to go to a Japanese restaurant with them and a supplier of their business so I did as an obedient daughter despite the fact that I was really tired...!

We went Rakute for our Japanese dinner~

These 3 little fishes were my daddy's favourite but eww.. They don't taste nice ><

Tempura.. Yum Yum =)
Erm. nothing special actually. Just the usual fried chicken but I love the salad.
This dolly fish is.... ulala! Lip-smacking!
Garlic rice~
I don't know what is this dish called. It tastes kinda okay~
Sashimi! Me and my bro's favourite =DThe conclusion is: tua pui cha bo is rubbing her belly... Satisfaction!


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