6:44 AM

Specially for Kevin Lai~

The production of your video has finally comes to an end... It has been a hard work throughout it... Firstly, this is the first video i've ever made... I need my friends to teach me how to do it... Secondly, I can't find your photos elsewhere! I only have eight of your photos at the beginning as i collected them one by one... From Jo's profile, Clement's profile... I asked everyone on my facebook's friends list and also from my msn list but none of them have your photos! What should I do? I can't just simply produce a video of you with only eight photos... I finally gave up that night and i was off to bed... Amazingly, you came into my dream and tell me that Ying, one of your friend and also my friend have added you on friendster before, I can get your photos from her... So i tried, I really tried to ask her on the other day... She really have it! Then , i can save about thirty photos of yours... I knew that you are always be on our side... Jo also dreamt of you, isn't it? We can't see you, we can't hear you but we definitely can feel you...

You leave us at 23rd of August... But i can only post up your video for everyone tonight... Why do i need so many days just to produce a video? Is it because that i have too many homeworks to work on? Or is it because i can't find your photos? I also not sure about that... All that i am sure about is that I must finish the video tonight before 12a.m. as tomorow is Chinese Ghost Festival... You will sure come back and meet us... but the video's size is too big oredi! tik tok tik tiok! almost twelve now! what should i do? bless me Kevin! i want it to be uploaded fully before twelve! I WANT YOU TO SEE this video! i hope you can see it... 'ru guo wo bian cheng hui yi' by Tank (ur fav song)... =)


Rainie said...

be strong devy .. u did a good job on this ^^

Mildred said...
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Mildred said...

it's lucky 2 b ur frz..^^
d song is so suitable 4 d video..touch~~
n i saw myself in 1 of d photos..lolz

DeVy... said...

ya, i oso saw u in one of the pics...

nes said...

hrmmm,he will know it,devy~be strong be tough!

DeVy... said...

hope he really can see this video!

Euphemia said...

Great job ya.. I can see that you put in a lot of effort to complete this video..

DeVy... said...

erm.. i can say a lot of hard work.. ><

J.Ling said...

Nice video...He surely very happy for this... thanks for the effort.... thanks a lot lot...

DeVy... said...

hope u like it too, Jo =)

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