6:53 PM

Preparation for Chinese New Year's Reunion Dinner

Tomorrow me and my whole family will be sitting together to eat at the dining table.. So excited about it as i always eat alone there and 'dining table' are two very lonely words for me.. My mum told me that she might be busying over her work and i was really upset.. As i am Devy, i am so going to buy all the ingredients needed for steamboat, spaghetti and mushroom soup.. perhaps? ALONE... Since no one is free in this family except me.. I shouldn't complaint over here.. I SHOULD really do this.. Who knows i might be the Chef of my family huh? I think they wouldn't disappoint me cause everything is done for their dinner right? These are what they are going to be seen on the dining table (phewit! not as delicious as these of course):
As every girl usually does... Chinese New Year is just an event or excuse for them to shop for more clothes and masks to make them look super 'leng lui' on CNY but becoming 'fei po' again after CNY... So do I... Okay, i admit it... I bought several masks from variety of brands to see which brand makes my face smoother, fairer and.. make me feel alive? I will recommend to you from all the masks below after i become the 'hamster of the experiment' and i will also stick to that brand of course:

Next post coming up: Chinese New Year Vs. Valentine's Day

I am going to tell you some interesting facts about both of the events and PROVE to you that Chinese New Year > Valentine's Day.. haha!

Although i support CNY & totally oppose Valentine's Day, this thing really cute le.. haha
But I hold to my stand that this one nicer cause I'm watering it everyday! haha


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